Are you planning to go to Giethoorn in your holiday? Good plan, let’s put that first! Before you travel to the water-rich village, you may want to know a little more about where you end up and what to expect from Giethoorn and its surroundings.

Do you like to be surprised and see where you end up? Then we advise you not to read any further 😉

Where is Giethoorn?

Giethoorn is located in the Netherlands in the province of Overijssel, more than thirty kilometres from Zwolle, the capital of the province. The municipality of Steenwijkerland, which includes Giethoorn, covers a large part of the head of Overijssel, as this part of the province is also called.

Do you want to know how best to get into Giethoorn? Read this article.

explore Giethoorn map in the Netherlands

Giethoorn maps map

Weerribben-Wieden National Park

If you look at the map, you immediately see that Giethoorn is in the middle of Weerribben-Wieden National [NM1] Park. This area used to consist of two separate areas: the Weerriben and the Wieden, as it is also indicated on many maps.

The agreement is also immediately clear: in both areas, water prevails. Together, the area consists of more than 10,000 hectares of contiguous peat bog area. It is a wandering garden of lakes, ditches and puddles, interspersed with reed beds and hayland and a variety of characteristic plant and animal species.

You can make beautiful sailing trips in the area, accompanied by a guide or by whisper boat. You can also explore large parts of this fascinating area by [NM2] canoe. You will then arrive in breathtaking places, where you will only hear the waving of the reeds and bird sounds.

Book your boat here.

explore Giethoorn bridge

Cycling around Giethoorn

Also by bike you can explore this beautiful nature reserve in which Giethoorn is located. While cycling you come back to completely different places and you see different natural beauty. If you want to know more about the area you can visit the visitor centres [NM3] of the Nature Reserve Weerribben-Wieden. On the one hand in the original part De Wieden there are nice places like Wanneperveen, Vollenhove, Sint-Jansklooster and Belt-Schutsloot. In the other part, the Weerribben, are the towns oldemarkt, Ossenzijl and Kalenberg. A visit to these nearby places is well worth while on holiday in Giethoorn. Plan your cycle route through junctionshere. Also a nice option to explore the area is a tour with a Solex.

Forests near Giethoorn

Giethoorn is a real water village, but it is also conveniently located between some beautiful foresters. The Woldberg, Estate De Eese and Holtingherveld are beautiful for walking and cycling. If you stay in Giethoorn for a midweek or a week or more, a bike ride in this area is definitely a tip! Bring your own bikes or rent a bike. The many existing routes are guaranteed to take you past the most beautiful spots in the regions. Of course, you can also plan a cycling route yourself or combine it.

There is also no shortage of beautiful, well-signposted walking routes! In the woods clear routes are set out and from the station in Steenwijk you can also walk the NS walk the Woldberg, you can choose from three distances.

forests in and around Giethoorn

Giethoorn practical

At the tourist information in Giethoorn you can find information, maps and maps of Giethoorn and its surroundings. The building is within walking distance of the bus stop and is also located near a large central car park. Near the tourist information is also the only supermarket in Giethoorn (the Plus).

tourist information center Giethoorn


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